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Why my family ditched our microwaved & the health implications of keeping yours

About a year and a half ago, we decided to ditch our microwave. We took the 2 step approach - first moving it to the garage to make sure we wouldn't die without one 😉. Honestly? It wasn't missed. It isn't missed. There are MANY reasons to say bye to this modern convenience, and here are a few. ⚠️

Microwaving food decreases nutrients - "Microwaves heat food by causing water molecules to vibrate 2.5 billion times per second, eventually turning to steam that heats your food. While your microwave can rapidly heat a dish, it also alters the food's chemical structure. Structures of the water molecules are torn apart and forcefully deformed. This is different than conventional heating of food, whereby heat is transferred convectionally from the outside inward." ⚠️ Microwaving increases AGE (Advanced glycation end products)/glycotoxins content more rapidly compared to conventional cooking methods. Microwave ovens also operate on gigahertz frequencies very similar to most 4G cellular networks. Every time you turn your microwave on, you are being exposed to radiation densities thousands of times higher than your cellphone. The closer you are to the oven, the higher the energy density and the worse the damage will be. ⚠️ Microwaving exposes you to carcinogenic toxins released from plastic wrappers. If you read this post and still decide to keep your microwave, never - I repeat, NEVER microwave in plastic, tupperware, "convenient" microwaveable baggies, etc.

When plastic is heated, toxic chemicals like BPA and phthalates can leach out, contaminating your food with endocrine and hormone disruptors. 😱❌ ⚠️ VGCCs (voltage gated calcium channels) - are activated by microwaves. The activation of these in turn create free radicals, which decimate mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, membranes and proteins that lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, the core of most chronic disease.

So what to do instead?? Swipe right to see how I get around not having this modern convenience.

Do you still use a microwave? What's the biggest thing holding you back from saying adios?


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